突发!OpenAI 发布首款具有推理思考能力的大模型o1-preview ( 白皮书中英原文) 2024

GPT452024-09-14 19:02:4318

Introducing OpenAI o1-preview

A new series of reasoning models for solving hard problems.


Available starting 9.12

We've developed a new series of AI models designed to spend more time thinking before they respond. They can reason through complex tasks and solve harder problems than previous models in science, coding, and math.


Today, we are releasing the first of this series in ChatGPT and our API. This is a preview and we expect regular updates and improvements. Alongside this release, we’re also including evaluations for the next update, currently in development.


1. How it works

We trained these models to spend more time thinking through problems before they respond, much like a person would. Through training, they learn to refine their thinking process, try different strategies, and recognize their mistakes. 


In our tests, the next model update performs similarly to PhD students on challenging benchmark tasks in physics, chemistry, and biology. We also found that it excels in math and coding. In a qualifying exam for the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO), GPT-4o correctly solved only 13% of problems, while the reasoning model scored 83%. Their coding abilities were evaluated in contests and reached the 89th percentile in Codeforces competitions. You can read more about this in our technical research post.


As an early model, it doesn't yet have many of the features that make ChatGPT useful, like browsing the web for information and uploading files and images. For many common cases GPT-4o will be more capable in the near term.


But for complex reasoning tasks this is a significant advancement and represents a new level of AI capability. Given this, we are resetting the counter back to 1 and naming this series OpenAI o1.

但对于复杂的推理任务来说,这是一个重大的进步,代表了人工智能能力的新水平。鉴于此,我们将计数器重置为1,并将此系列命名为OpenAI o1。

2. Safety

As part of developing these new models, we have come up with a new safety training approach that harnesses their reasoning capabilities to make them adhere to safety and alignment guidelines. By being able to reason about our safety rules in context, it can apply them more effectively. 


One way we measure safety is by testing how well our model continues to follow its safety rules if a user tries to bypass them (known as "jailbreaking"). On one of our hardest jailbreaking tests, GPT-4o scored 22 (on a scale of 0-100) while our o1-preview model scored 84. You can read more about this in the system card and our research post.


To match the new capabilities of these models, we’ve bolstered our safety work, internal governance, and federal government collaboration. This includes rigorous testing and evaluations using our Preparedness Framework(opens in a new window), best-in-class red teaming, and board-level review processes, including by our Safety & Security Committee.


To advance our commitment to AI safety, we recently formalized agreements with the U.S. and U.K. AI Safety Institutes. We've begun operationalizing these agreements, including granting the institutes early access to a research version of this model. This was an important first step in our partnership, helping to establish a process for research, evaluation, and testing of future models prior to and following their public release.


3. Whom it’s for

These enhanced reasoning capabilities may be particularly useful if you’re tackling complex problems in science, coding, math, and similar fields. For example, o1 can be used by healthcare researchers to annotate cell sequencing data, by physicists to generate complicated mathematical formulas needed for quantum optics, and by developers in all fields to build and execute multi-step workflows.


4. OpenAI o1-mini

The o1 series excels at accurately generating and debugging complex code. To offer a more efficient solution for developers, we’re also releasing OpenAI o1-mini, a faster, cheaper reasoning model that is particularly effective at coding. As a smaller model, o1-mini is 80% cheaper than o1-preview, making it a powerful, cost-effective model for applications that require reasoning but not broad world knowledge. 

o1系列擅长准确生成和调试复杂代码。为了为开发人员提供更有效的解决方案,我们还发布了OpenAI o1-mini,这是一种更快、更便宜的推理模型,在编码方面特别有效。作为一个较小的模型,o1 mini比o1预览版便宜80%,使其成为需要推理但不需要广泛知识的应用程序的强大、经济高效的模型。

5. How to use OpenAI o1

ChatGPT Plus and Team users will be able to access o1 models in ChatGPT starting today. Both o1-preview and o1-mini can be selected manually in the model picker, and at launch, weekly rate limits will be 30 messages for o1-preview and 50 for o1-mini. We are working to increase those rates and enable ChatGPT to automatically choose the right model for a given prompt.

从今天开始,ChatGPT Plus和团队用户将能够访问ChatGPT中的o1模型。o1预览和o1mini都可以在模型选择器中手动选择,启动时,o1预览的每周速率限制为30条消息,o1mini为50条消息。我们正在努力提高这些速率,并使ChatGPT能够为给定的提示自动选择正确的模型。

ChatGPT Enterprise and Edu users will get access to both models beginning next week. 

ChatGPT Enterprise和Edu用户将从下周开始访问这两种模型。

Developers who qualify for API usage tier 5(opens in a new window) can start prototyping with both models in the API today with a rate limit of 20 RPM. We’re working to increase these limits after additional testing. The API for these models currently doesn't include function calling, streaming, support for system messages, and other features. To get started, check out the API documentation(opens in a new window).

符合API使用层5(在一个新窗口中打开)的开发人员今天可以在API中开始两个模型的原型设计,速率限制为20 RPM。在进一步测试后,我们正在努力提高这些限制。这些模型的API目前不包括函数调用、流、对系统消息的支持和其他功能。要开始,请查看API文档(在新窗口中打开)。

We also are planning to bring o1-mini access to all ChatGPT Free users. 

我们还计划为所有ChatGPT Free用户提供o1 mini访问权限。

6. What’s next

This is an early preview of these reasoning models in ChatGPT and the API. In addition to model updates, we expect to add browsing, file and image uploading, and other features to make them more useful to everyone. 

除了新的OpenAI o1系列之外,我们还计划继续开发和发布GPT系列中的模型。
We also plan to continue developing and releasing models in our GPT series, in addition to the new OpenAI o1 series.
除了新的OpenAI o1系列之外,我们还计划继续开发和发布GPT系列中的模型。
Learning to Reason with LLMs
We are introducing OpenAI o1, a new large language model trained with reinforcement learning to perform complex reasoning. o1 thinks before it answers—it can produce a long internal chain of thought before responding to the user.
我们正在引入OpenAI o1,这是一种新的大型语言模型,通过强化学习进行训练,以执行复杂的推理。o1在回答之前会思考——它可以在回应用户之前产生一个漫长的内部思维链。
OpenAI o1 ranks in the 89th percentile on competitive programming questions (Codeforces), places among the top 500 students in the US in a qualifier for the USA Math Olympiad (AIME), and exceeds human PhD-level accuracy on a benchmark of physics, biology, and chemistry problems (GPQA). While the work needed to make this new model as easy to use as current models is still ongoing, we are releasing an early version of this model, OpenAI o1-preview, for immediate use in ChatGPT and to trusted API users(opens in a new window).
OpenAI o1在竞争性编程问题(Codeforce)上排名第89百分位,在美国数学奥林匹克竞赛(AIME)资格赛中跻身美国前500名学生之列,在物理、生物和化学问题(GPQA)的基准上超过了人类博士水平的准确率。虽然使此新模型与当前模型一样易于使用所需的工作仍在进行中,但我们正在发布此模型的早期版本OpenAI o1-preview,以便在ChatGPT中立即使用,并向受信任的API用户开放(在新窗口中打开)。
Our large-scale reinforcement learning algorithm teaches the model how to think productively using its chain of thought in a highly data-efficient training process. We have found that the performance of o1 consistently improves with more reinforcement learning (train-time compute) and with more time spent thinking (test-time compute). The constraints on scaling this approach differ substantially from those of LLM pretraining, and we are continuing to investigate them.
o1 performance smoothly improves with both train-time and test-time compute
7. Evals
To highlight the reasoning improvement over GPT-4o, we tested our models on a diverse set of human exams and ML benchmarks. We show that o1 significantly outperforms GPT-4o on the vast majority of these reasoning-heavy tasks. Unless otherwise specified, we evaluated o1 on the maximal test-time compute setting.
o1 greatly improves over GPT-4o on challenging reasoning benchmarks. Solid bars show pass@1 accuracy and the shaded region shows the performance of majority vote (consensus) with 64 samples.
o1 improves over GPT-4o on a wide range of benchmarks, including 54/57 MMLU subcategories. Seven are shown for illustration.
o1在广泛的基准测试中比GPT-4o有所改进,包括54/57 MMLU子类别。图中显示了七个用于说明。
In many reasoning-heavy benchmarks, o1 rivals the performance of human experts. Recent frontier models1 do so well on MATH2 and GSM8K that these benchmarks are no longer effective at differentiating models. We evaluated math performance on AIME, an exam designed to challenge the brightest high school math students in America. On the 2024 AIME exams, GPT-4o only solved on average 12% (1.8/15) of problems. o1 averaged 74% (11.1/15) with a single sample per problem, 83% (12.5/15) with consensus among 64 samples, and 93% (13.9/15) when re-ranking 1000 samples with a learned scoring function. A score of 13.9 places it among the top 500 students nationally and above the cutoff for the USA Mathematical Olympiad.
We also evaluated o1 on GPQA diamond, a difficult intelligence benchmark which tests for expertise in chemistry, physics and biology. In order to compare models to humans, we recruited experts with PhDs to answer GPQA-diamond questions. We found that o1 surpassed the performance of those human experts, becoming the first model to do so on this benchmark. These results do not imply that o1 is more capable than a PhD in all respects — only that the model is more proficient in solving some problems that a PhD would be expected to solve. On several other ML benchmarks, o1 improved over the state-of-the-art. With its vision perception capabilities enabled, o1 scored 78.2% on MMMU, making it the first model to be competitive with human experts. It also outperformed GPT-4o on 54 out of 57 MMLU subcategories.
8. Chain of Thought
Similar to how a human may think for a long time before responding to a difficult question, o1 uses a chain of thought when attempting to solve a problem. Through reinforcement learning, o1 learns to hone its chain of thought and refine the strategies it uses. It learns to recognize and correct its mistakes. It learns to break down tricky steps into simpler ones. It learns to try a different approach when the current one isn’t working. This process dramatically improves the model’s ability to reason. To illustrate this leap forward, we showcase the chain of thought from o1-preview on several difficult problems below.
9. Coding
We trained a model that scored 213 points and ranked in the 49th percentile in the 2024 International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI), by initializing from o1 and training to further improve programming skills. This model competed in the 2024 IOI under the same conditions as the human contestants. It had ten hours to solve six challenging algorithmic problems and was allowed 50 submissions per problem.
For each problem, our system sampled many candidate submissions and submitted 50 of them based on a test-time selection strategy. Submissions were selected based on performance on the IOI public test cases, model-generated test cases, and a learned scoring function. If we had instead submitted at random, we would have only scored 156 points on average, suggesting that this strategy was worth nearly 60 points under competition constraints.
With a relaxed submission constraint, we found that model performance improved significantly. When allowed 10,000 submissions per problem, the model achieved a score of 362.14 – above the gold medal threshold – even without any test-time selection strategy.
Finally, we simulated competitive programming contests hosted by Codeforces to demonstrate this model’s coding skill. Our evaluations closely matched competition rules and allowed for 10 submissions. GPT-4o achieved an Elo rating3 of 808, which is in the 11th percentile of human competitors. This model far exceeded both GPT-4o and o1—it achieved an Elo rating of 1807, performing better than 93% of competitors.
Further fine-tuning on programming competitions improves o1. The improved model ranked in the 49th percentile in the 2024 International Olympiad in
10. Human preference evaluation
In addition to exams and academic benchmarks, we also evaluated human preference of o1-preview vs GPT-4o on challenging, open-ended prompts in a broad spectrum of domains. In this evaluation, human trainers were shown anonymized responses to a prompt from o1-preview and GPT-4o, and voted for which response they preferred. o1-preview is preferred to gpt-4o by a large margin in reasoning-heavy categories like data analysis, coding, and math. However, o1-preview is not preferred on some natural language tasks, suggesting that it is not well-suited for all use cases.
People prefer o1-preview in domains that benefit from better reasoning.
11. Safety
Chain of thought reasoning provides new opportunities for alignment and safety. We found that integrating our policies for model behavior into the chain of thought of a reasoning model is an effective way to robustly teach human values and principles. By teaching the model our safety rules and how to reason about them in context, we found evidence of reasoning capability directly benefiting model robustness: o1-preview achieved substantially improved performance on key jailbreak evaluations and our hardest internal benchmarks for evaluating our model's safety refusal boundaries. We believe that using a chain of thought offers significant advances for safety and alignment because (1) it enables us to observe the model thinking in a legible way, and (2) the model reasoning about safety rules is more robust to out-of-distribution scenarios.
To stress-test our improvements, we conducted a suite of safety tests and red-teaming before deployment, in accordance with our Preparedness Framework(opens in a new window). We found that chain of thought reasoning contributed to capability improvements across our evaluations. Of particular note, we observed interesting instances of reward hacking(opens in a new window). Detailed results from these evaluations can be found in the accompanying System Card.
12. Hiding the Chains of Thought
We believe that a hidden chain of thought presents a unique opportunity for monitoring models. Assuming it is faithful and legible, the hidden chain of thought allows us to "read the mind" of the model and understand its thought process. For example, in the future we may wish to monitor the chain of thought for signs of manipulating the user. However, for this to work the model must have freedom to express its thoughts in unaltered form, so we cannot train any policy compliance or user preferences onto the chain of thought. We also do not want to make an unaligned chain of thought directly visible to users.
Therefore, after weighing multiple factors including user experience, competitive advantage, and the option to pursue the chain of thought monitoring, we have decided not to show the raw chains of thought to users. We acknowledge this decision has disadvantages. We strive to partially make up for it by teaching the model to reproduce any useful ideas from the chain of thought in the answer. For the o1 model series we show a model-generated summary of the chain of thought.
13. Conclusion
o1 significantly advances the state-of-the-art in AI reasoning. We plan to release improved versions of this model as we continue iterating. We expect these new reasoning capabilities will improve our ability to align models to human values and principles. We believe o1 – and its successors – will unlock many new use cases for AI in science, coding, math, and related fields. We are excited for users and API developers to discover how it can improve their daily work.


